Sell Bluegreen Timeshare

Want to Sell Your Bluegreen Timeshare? Timeshare Broker Associates Can Help! 

Ready to Sell Your Bluegreen Timeshare? Get Started Today!

As a full-service real estate brokerage specializing in timeshares, Timeshare Broker Associates can assist you in selling your Bluegreen timeshare. Fill out our form below to get started! One of our licensed agents will contact you to review your ownership details and create your free listing.

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How to Sell Bluegreen Timeshare

Create a Listing

Know what you own. Ensure you have your ownership documents, a copy of your deed, and a few other items. Your agent is happy to help you gather this information. Once all information is obtained, we’ll create your Bluegreen listing.

How to Sell Bluegreen Timeshare: Branson Cedars Resort
Sell WorldMark Timeshare: Secure a Buyer

Secure a Buyer

We’ll help you set the price and post your listing in our resale marketplace. Your agent will contact you as offers come in, but it is up to you whether to accept or reject an offer. We’ll never lower the sell price without permission.

Negotiate Terms of Sale & Sign Contracts

Once you’ve accepted an offer, Timeshare Broker Associates will be here to help negotiate the terms of sale. When this is finalized, we’ll create a contract for you and the buyer to enter and sign.

Bluegreen Club 36
Right of First Refusal

Navigate Right of First Refusal

In almost all timeshare contracts, the developer has the Right of First Refusal. This means that Bluegreen can step in as the buyer under the current terms of sale. However, if Bluegreen waives this ROFR, the sale can continue as planned.

Closing & Transfer of Title

We’ll then recommend a trusted title company to transfer the title of your Bluegreen ownership out of your name and into the new buyers, or you can choose a company independently. This company will hold funds in escrow and distribute them accordingly.

Bluegreen Vacations Timeshare Resales

Why Choose Timeshare Broker Associates?

Selling a Bluegreen Timeshare FAQs

Get the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about selling a Bluegreen timeshare below!

Typically, it takes 30 to 90 days to complete the sales process. However, we cannot guarantee that your Bluegreen timeshare will sell by any specific date. When purchasing a timeshare, buyers consider the home resort, season of use, destination, and/or the amount of points for sale.

Unfortunately, Bluegreen does not have a buyback program. However, it is always a good idea to contact the developer to see if they can recommend possible solutions or trusted resellers, such as Timeshare Broker Associates.

Should you decide to stop paying for your ownership or maintenance fees, beware of the possible consequences. If you’ve financed your ownership and stopped paying your loan, your debt may be sent to collections, resulting in a hit to your credit score. Moreover, Bluegreen may foreclose on your ownership if you stop paying maintenance fees, which may also hit your credit score. Before you decide to stop paying these fees, consider scheduling a consultation with Timeshare Broker Associates. Call us at (877) 624-6889 to discuss your options.

A few factors determine how much your Bluegreen timeshare is worth, such as your home resort, season of use, resort location, and how many points you own. We recommend researching the market at Timeshare Broker Associates to see what Bluegreen timeshares similar to yours are going for. Overall, this is the best way to determine the worth of your ownership. Please note, however, that, like cars, timeshares are depreciating assets. This means you will rarely get back what you paid for your timeshare.

Get in Touch With Us Today!

Sometimes, timesharing doesn’t last forever. If you no longer have time to take annual vacations or maintenance bills are starting to pile, it may be time to sell. So, consider trusting Timeshare Broker Associates to help you through this process. Fill out the form at the top of the page, or call (407) 917-8432 to get started.

Bluegreen Resorts Christmas Mountain Village

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